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Topic: breakfast

Congee Handout and Guide

Have you ever spent endless hours working to help make life easier for someone or a group of people, only to realize you may have skipped over the most obvious and ridiculously simple solutions you could have offered? This morning while talking with Tiffany, a colleague in Santa Cruz, California, and advocate for our profession […]

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Breakfast That Feels Like A Hug

Do you ever eat breakfast that feels like a hug? The folks over at Go Solo requested an interview with our founder, Karen Taylor, L.Ac. We wanted to share it with you because they brought out some good information about what it takes to get our breakfast on your table and in your bowl and […]

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Cool off with congee

Summer is not the best time for cooking huge feasts over a hot stove. Time to cool off with congee! This is the time of year to keep it simple. Spend some time outside soaking up all that glorious daylight. Enter congee, the easiest, most hydrating meal that boosts metabolism and improves digestion. It’s great […]

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Top 5 Breakfast Pitfalls and How to Easily Avoid Them

If you’re new to Breakfast Cure then you need to know about the most common breakfast pitfalls and how to avoid them. A few moments can save you from any hassles. The Top 5 Breakfast Pitfalls are: No plan for easy, healthy breakfasts. Not enough nourishing food available at home that’s ready to go in […]

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Blueberries for your Liver in Springtime

I’ve noticed that in the United States, our culture is not generally focused on the liver. Where is it? Most don’t even know. What does it do? Why should you care, and why should you eat blueberries for your liver in springtime? Let’s do a little exploring. Living in France during my junior year of […]

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